Frequently Asked Questions

What does a lactation consultant help with?

I am trained to help with a range of infant feeding situations and challenges, from the common to the complex. You and your baby are both in my lens, and both of you have needs that matter. Lactation consulting is about balancing those needs so that things are working for both of you.

Common challenges I encounter include infant weight loss, low milk supply, sore nipples, painful latch, difficulty latching, tongue and lip tie assessment, transitioning from triple-feeding or supplemental feeding to breastfeeding, navigating mixed feeding (doing both bottle and breastfeeding), weaning off of a nipple shield, oversupply, exclusive pumping, resuming breastfeeding after a period of infant separation, learning breastfeeding after an initial period of bottle feeding, infant body tension, and many more.

A big part of my job is to understand you—what your goals are, what’s going well, and what’s feeling hard. I’m here to help you build confidence and skills in whatever area of infant care and feeding you want help with. I’m also here to understand your baby, to notice what’s going on for them, and to help them get as comfortable and healthy as possible.

How do you know if you need a lactation consultant’s help?

People contact me at all stages and for all manner of reasons. Some folks reach out prenatally to line up support before they need it, others take a wait and see approach, and some call only when shit has really hit the fan. I work with babies of all ages, from hours old to weeks, months, and even years old. Here’s what I can say: if you are struggling, in pain, or feeling uncertain, please reach out. The same goes for your baby— if they seem uncomfortable or disoriented with feeding, please reach out. The earlier the better—nobody should be struggling on their own with breastfeeding when there is good help to be had.

What is special about a home visit compared to a clinic visit?

Home visits are great for so many reasons. It’s your space with your regular comforts. There’s no rush- you get multiple hours of uninterrupted focus from a skilled clinician. You don’t have to schlepp an infant across town when you’re exhausted and trying to heal from birth. You don’t even need to change out of your pajamas! We get to work together in the environment you’re most comfortable and familiar with, making the solutions we come up with more realistic and more personalized. Basically, home visits provide you with more ease and less stress. It’s the way postpartum life should be.

Are special preparations needed for a home visit?

Please do not worry about doing anything extra to clean or organize your home for my visit. I want to help you succeed in the space that you are used to being in. That said, the following few steps will help the visit go smoothly:

  • I will bring a scale that requires a table or other flat surface. 

  • Please secure any pets that may not feel friendly or who may interrupt the visit. 

  • Please read and sign the consent form and fill out the intake form prior to my arrival. This helps save time during the visit for hands-on help and problem-solving.